Twelve Monkeys 50ml Shortfill
Step into a world of vibrant flavors with the Twelve Monkeys 50ml Shortfill, available exclusively at Vapes Master. This expertly crafted e-liquid is designed for the adventurous vaper, offering an exhilarating fusion of fruits that transports your taste buds to a tropical paradise. With its generous 50ml capacity, each bottle allows for customization with your preferred nicotine level, making it a versatile addition to your vaping repertoire.
Key Features
Premium Ingredients: Vapes Master is committed to quality, using only the finest ingredients to ensure a smooth and satisfying vaping experience.
Generous Capacity: The 50ml shortfill provides ample space for adding nicotine shots, accommodating various preferences without compromising flavor.
Flavor Complexity: Each blend is meticulously crafted, showcasing the perfect balance of sweetness and freshness, designed to captivate your senses.
Childproof Design: The bottles come equipped with child-resistant caps, ensuring safety for households with children.
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Safety Tips
Proper Storage: Keep your Twelve Monkeys Shortfill stored upright in a cool, dark place to maintain flavor integrity.
Child Safety: Always ensure the bottles are securely closed and stored out of children’s reach to promote safety.
Nicotine Awareness: If adding nicotine shots, follow the recommended guidelines to ensure a safe and enjoyable vaping experience.
Expiration Checks: Regularly check the expiration dates on your Vapes Master products to ensure you’re enjoying them at their best.
How do I effectively add nicotine to my shortfill?
Simply pour your desired nicotine shot into the shortfill bottle, secure the cap, and shake gently to mix thoroughly. This allows you to tailor the strength to your liking.
Is the Twelve Monkeys flavor suitable for all-day vaping?
Definitely! Vapes Master has designed this blend to be both refreshing and flavorful, making it an excellent choice for daily enjoyment.
Can I mix different flavors from Twelve Monkeys?
Absolutely! Vapes Master encourages experimentation, so feel free to blend various flavors to create a personalized vaping experience that suits your palate.
What precautions should I take when using this e-liquid?
It’s important to store your Twelve Monkeys Shortfill away from direct sunlight and heat sources. Additionally, handle nicotine shots with care and keep all products out of children’s reach.